Executive Education’s CFO Series provides a convenient, one-stop way for CFOs and those who aspire to be CFOs, to choose an entire year’s worth of CPE with a single decision. The CFO Series consists of a year’s worth of CPE including 20, two-hour topics presented by 5 different speakers spread over five months. Arrange all 40 credits you need by signing up for just one series. Each day consists of a different expert, leading discussions about four different topics. The CFO Series features high-quality presentations and the interactive, executive level colleague-to-colleague approach CFOs have come to expect from Executive Education, Inc. Each topic and each day stands on its own. If you are not sure about making a five-day commitment, sign up for just a single day. We think you will come back for more!
Find upcoming dates for this seminar
Cases and Group Discussion

The CFO Series provides extensive case study analysis and many opportunities for group discussion.
Target Audience: This series is for people who are, or aspire to be, chief financial officers. The discussions will be most appropriate for people in medium-sized organizations.
Level of Knowledge: Intermediate
CPE Credit: 8 – 40 hours group live
Area of Study:
– Day 1: Managing People (4 hours Business Management, 4 hours Ethics)
– Day 2: Keeping Up with Technology (4 hours Computer Software; 4 hours Technology)
– Day 3: Financial Leadership (8 hours Business Management)
– Day 4: Balance Sheet Management (6 hours Accounting; 2 hours Finance)
– Day 5: Strategy and Critical Thinking Skills (8 hours Economics; 4 hours Business Management;
2 hours Accounting)
Alternate CFO Series Day:
– Day 6: Corporate Performance Management (8 hours Accounting)
Prerequisite: Management experience helpful
Advanced Preparation: Bring a calculator
Authors: Gary Cokins, John L. Daly, Jay Giannantonio, John H. Higgins, John F. Levy, Don Minges, William O’Brien, and Diane White
Acronym: CFOS – 2019
Scheduling: Schedule all 5 together (one per month) to provide participants with a year’s worth of CPE (40 hours). We will also schedule individual days under the title Executive Education’s Annual CFO Spotlight (ACFOS)
Notes: We provide conference-style materials for the CFO Series consisting of cases and the presentation slides. The sponsoring association may provide these in either electronic or paper form. Event pricing for both CFOS and ACFOS is a fixed rate per day.
Summary of all 5 CFO Series days:
CFO Series Day 1
Managing People
Topics Discussed & Credits:
- Managing People: Conquering the Soft Side of Your Job (2 Management credits)
- Corporate Ethics: Cases in Diversity and Inclusion (2 Ethics credits)
- Open Book Management: Making it Work in the Real World (2 Management credits)
- The Civil Advantage: Workplace Ethics and Civility (2 Ethics credits)
Discussion Leader: John L. Daly or William F. O’Brien
Acronym: CFOS1-19
Scheduling: Schedule with Driving Corporate Performance or Metrics Management to make two consecutive days.
CFO Series Day 2
Keeping Up with Technology
Topics Discussed & Credits:
- 2019 CFO Technology Update (2 Technology credits)
- Blockchain Technology: What Every CFO Should Know (2 Computer Software credits)
- Leverage Big Data and Data Analytics to Make Better Decisions (2 Technology credits)
- MS Office 365: Applications Lightening Round (2 Computer Software credits)
Discussion Leader: John Higgins or Bryan Smith
Acronym: CFOS2-19
Scheduling: Schedule with a seminar from CPA Crossings to make two consecutive days.
CFO Series Day 3
Financial Leadership
Topics Discussed & Credits:
- Tell Me a Story (2 Business Management credits)
- Heartfelt Leadership (2 Business Management credits)
- 8 Attributes of Every Winner (2 Business Management credits)
- Accounting Reimagined: The Future of Our Profession (2 Business Management credits)
Discussion Leader: John F. Levy or William O’Brien
Acronym: CFOS3-19
Scheduling: Schedule with The 21st Century Director or Corporate Finance Check-up to make two consecutive days.
CFO Series Day 4
Balance Sheet Management
Topics Discussed & Credits:
- Balance Sheet Management (2 Accounting credits)
- The Cost of Capital: Why You Should Use It (2 Accounting credits)
- Debt Versus Equity: Which Will Your Organization Need Next? (2 Accounting credits)
- Build Your Personal Net Worth (2 Finance credits)
Discussion Leaders: Don Minges or Richard Karwic
Acronym: CFOS4-19
Scheduling: Schedule with Private Company Accounting or Process Improvement for Financial Managers to make two consecutive days.
CFO Series Day 5
Strategy and Critical Thinking Skills
Topics Discussed & Credits:
- Accounting Fast and Slow: Thinking about Thinking (2 Economic credits)
- Avoid Failure: Succeed Through Experimentation (2 Business Management credits)
- Aligning Budgets t6o Strategy: The Key to Profitability (2 Accounting credits)
- The Finance Team of Tomorrow (2 Business Management credits)
Discussion Leaders: Jay Giannantonio, Richard Karwic, John Levy or Don Minges
Acronym: CFOS5-19
Scheduling: Schedule with Create Reports that Matter or Process Improvement to make two consecutive days.
Our office will provide detailed descriptions of each module to assist with your marketing efforts.
Alternate CFO Series Day
Corporate Performance Management
Topics Discussed & Credits
- Corporate Performance Management (2 Accounting credits)
- Business Intelligence and Data Analytics (2 Accounting credits)
- Driver-Based Budgeting (2 Accounting credits)
- Effective Management Accounting (2 Accounting credits)
Discussion Leader: Gary Cokins
Acronym: CFOS6-19