Discuss Real Life Conflicts

Anyone who has ever attended a lecture-format ethics seminar knows that there is a better way. Cases in Corporate Ethics provides an opportunity for lively group discussion of actual real world, ethical dilemmas. Cases in Corporate Ethics examines eight cases drawn from real-life business conflicts involving corporate financial managers.
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Best ethics course I have had in 22 years of practice
-Ft. Wayne, IN
Topics Discussed
We introduce new case selections to this seminar every year. Past cases have included these issues:
- How do you handle an owner who pays for personal expenses with company funds?
- Can you protect the public interest without violating our profession’s confidentiality rules?
- How can a corporate world CPA get in trouble with their board of accountancy?
- Is a culture of fear and intimidation particularly susceptible to corporate fraud?
- How can using the CPA credential get a corporate accountant in trouble?
- Is exaggerating your CPE hours a violation of our professional codes of conduct?
- What are your options when your employer is clearly breaking the law?
- Does any legislation provide effective Whistleblower protection?
Cases and Class Discussion
This seminar includes group discussion of 8 cases.
Additional Information
Target Audience: Corporate financial managers
Level of Knowledge: Intermediate
CPE Credit: 4 hours group live
Area of Study: Ethics
Prerequisite: None
Adv. Preparation: None
Author: John L. Daly
Acronym: CCE
Scheduling: Schedule with Shorten Month-End or Staff Retention to provide a full-day seminar experience.
NOTE: This seminar has special Louisiana, Mississippi and New York editions.